Monday, April 15, 2013

More New Letters

Tried out some different patterns on these letters... the curly pattern in particular intimidated me a bit.  Plus I waited until I'd almost completed the letter to try it for the first time on the M, so if I jacked it up, I would've wasted a TON of time on that letter.  Luckily I liked how it turned out.  Then I had more fun doing the same pattern on the J. :)

I want to do a LOT more letters, but they take so freakin' long and I want to continue to enjoy drawing, not feel like it's a chore, so I might mix it up with non-letter drawings from time to time instead of cranking through all the letters all at once.  Whew!  That was one helluva sentence right there.  Total run-on.  Do I care?  Nope.  It's MY blog and I'll do what I want to!

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