Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss

Decided on a quote/saying to go with the weather-looking design from a couple of weeks ago!  Dr. Seuss.  Always a winner.  I wish I could have done a cool freehand calligraphy-type writing of it, but I can't quite figure that out yet (who knows if I ever will)... but the happy text with balls on the end works for me! :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Who doesn't love birds?

Maybe not real, live birds... I understand people having phobias towards them.  They're cute from a distance I suppose, but they're really just needy little hunter/scavengers.  Although I do get excited about seeing them on my bird feeders.  It's like, "My bird feeders WORK, they really work!!"  Then I get to feel all awesome, thinking I've fed a bird family and saved them from certain starvation.

DRAWINGS of birds, however... who DOESN'T love those?  They're SO cute! (Enough all-caps words yet?)  Seriously though... those sweet little nursery prints of happy sparrows or bug-eyed owls are freakin' adorable.  I decided I must figure out how to draw some sort of bird myself.  
This would be my newest item in my Etsy shop, ThreeChickadeeLane (click on the ad on the right side of this page to go there).  Right now I only do 8x10 prints, but could possibly in the future be looking into 5x7 or little cards for sending friendly notes.  They have to be friendly notes though - no unfriendly notes shall be written on my cards!  My cards that don't exist yet.  And possibly never will.  We'll see.

Also, my 8x10 prints are printed on super heavyweight linen paper, which has a really cool looking texture to it, even from a distance.  Fabulous for framing!  Advertisement over.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

What to do?

I sat down to draw a good base for a quote (which I hadn't decided on yet) and this drawing happened.  Now I have no idea what quote/saying to put in it b/c I'm a bit confused as to what the doodle is.  Is it weather?  Perhaps.  It certainly appears that way.  The "snow" at the bottom was supposed to be a happy little grouping of flowers.  What to do???

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let it Be

I'm trying my hand at drawing/sketching/doodling, whatever your preferred term is.  I find it to be easy-going and relaxing.  The huge plus to it is that I can stop at any point and not worry about paint drying, wax hardening (I also make candles, just to make that sound less weird), or anything else happening that prevents picking right back up again where I left off.

About a week ago I did my first extensive quote-drawing with "Let it Be."  It's definitely an amateur drawing, IMHO, but I have to start somewhere and hope to only improve.  I'd LOVE to figure out calligraphy, or at least some sloppy form of it.  I'm not trying to be a professional calligrapher (is that a term?) here, but it'd be cool to be able to mix up the text in my quote-drawings (apparently I'm establishing "quote-drawing" as an official term in my blog).

Here's my very FIRST quote-drawing... * drum roll*:
I've learned since doing this one that I should use black ink if I plan to scan them onto my computer to change up or add colors.  The blue just doesn't mesh well with just about anything I try to do color-change-wise.  Of course, I know a minimal amount about the software I'm using, so I'm probably just ignorant as to how to make what I want happen.  I'm not really stressing about it though... LET IT BE! :)

Typical start to a day

This morning I was on my way to the laundry room to take the dogs out (they kennel up in the laundry room overnight) and noticed wine glasses from last night that needed to be taken to the kitchen.  So, I grab the wine glasses and head to the laundry room.  Then I notice that there are a couple of towels in the dryer that could use a re-fluff before folding, so I turn on the dryer.  The always overly-enthusiastic dogs are eager to head outside, so we go on out there.  After they finally get their business completed, I head back inside with them, make some tea, and do the dishes.  Yay!  One task accomplished!

Then I decide to heat up some leftovers for a small breakfast/lunch for myself.  I get the food in the microwave, rinse out the Tupperware in the sink and am going to place it in the dishwasher when I hear what is quite clearly a shattering sound somewhere in the house.  Immediately I take a headcount of the dogs.  All in the room with me.  Then, I check for the two male cats (the troublemaker cats).  Both in the room with me.  The only animal missing is our one female cat, who usually spends her day sleeping on our bed, moving only for the necessities.  Knowing these things, I am at a complete loss for who or what caused a shattering noise.  After a brief and confusing search, I realize that I caused it.  Yeah... those wine glasses that I started the morning out with never made it back out of the laundry room.  In my genius efforts to multitask, I had placed them on top of the dryer while futzing with the laundry and... left them there.  Of course, no dryer (however fabulous it may be), is immune to tiny amounts of shaking, and one of my lovely wine glasses had worked its way over the edge in about 15 minutes and the tile floor beneath had rejected its offer of friendship.

Cleaning that mess up was... slow.  I finally got to return to my (now cold) food in the microwave.  I set it to reheat and then realize I never finished putting the Tupperware into the dishwasher.  I get it nestled in there and turn back to the sink for the lid and suddenly my foot is slimy and warm.  Ew.  Dog vomit.  Luckily they haven't been fed yet, so it's clear, slimy vomit, void of chunks of food, but... ew.  The culprit is now over by the door, depositing more clear, slimy vomit in what she obviously thinks to be a more acceptable location.  I do give her credit for heading towards the outdoors.  I open the door for her and she darts outdoors to deposit a third puddle of wonderfulness onto the grass.  I hurry to get my shoes on, grab the leash, and get out there b/c she's a notorious dasher for the nearby creek.  To my luck, she was more interested in lapping up her clear, slimy puddle than she was in running away.  So.  We get back inside and I get the joy of cleaning the first two puddles.  I was hoping the other dogs may have cleaned them up for me, but no such luck.

Once that nastiness is gone, I'm able to reheat my food for a THIRD time, grab my ridiculously cold tea, and head back to the laundry room to feed the dogs and shut their trouble-making butts in there.  I grab their bowls, scurry to the garage, return with filled bowls, and place them in front of crazy happy pups who immediately forget anything in the world exists other than the food in front of them.  At this point I notice that the second wine glass is about to take a journey similar to its friend.  How... seriously... HOW do I suffer through the annoyance of my wine glass mistake only to just leave the other one there for it to happen again??!  Oh, I know, it was b/c I was distracted by a bunny I saw through the window.  (You know that ADD joke... "oh, look a bunny!"  If you don't, then just ignore this bunny comment and please don't think I'm insane.)